ERT Registration

A Magyar Toxikológusok Társasága (MTT) az European Union of Toxicology (EUROTOX) más tagszervezeteihez hasonlóan nyilvántartási listát (regisztert) készít, amelybe kérelmezés alapján felveszi az MTT és a EUROTOX elvárásainak is megfelelő szakmai felkészültségű toxikológus szakembereket. Az Európai Regisztrált Toxikológusnak (ERT) megfelelő elméleti tudással és szakmai gyakorlattal kell rendelkeznie a toxikológiai kutatás, vagy az alkalmazott toxikológia területén. A toxikológusok regiszterbe történő felvétele jelentkezés alapján lehetséges, ha teljesítik a regisztrációs feltételeket. A regisztert a Magyar Toxikológusok Társasága vezeti, a jelentkezést online felületen, a Társaság honlapjáról kiindulva lehet megtenni.

A toxikológus az itt alkalmazott definíció szerint az a szakember, aki részt vesz klinikai, kísérletes, in-silico és hatósági toxikológiai tevékenységben, növényi és kémiai eredetű anyagok, állatorvosi és humán gyógyszerek, biológiai és biotechnológiai termékek, élelmiszer- és takarmánykiegészítő anyagok, és orvostechnikai eszközök humán és környezeti veszélyeinek és kockázatainak tanulmányozásában.

A szakképzett toxikológusok azonosításához szükséges ellenőrzött elismerési folyamatot a MTT társasága azzal támogatja a gyakorlatban, hogy a nagyközönség számára elérhetővé teszi a toxikológiai szaktudás irányadó információs forrásait. A Magyar Toxikológus Regiszterbe történő felvétel célja, hogy elismerje a toxikológia területén elkötelezett szakemberek magas szintű tudását, képességeit és gyakorlatát, valamint professzionális hozzáállását.

A Magyar Toxikológus Regiszterbe történő felvétel 5 éves időtartamra szól, melynek lejártával újra szükséges regisztrálni. Az első regisztráció díját, valamint az újra regisztrálás díját a mindenkori érvényes Regisztrációs szabályzat tartalmazza a regisztráció feltételeivel és a benyújtandó dokumentumok listájával együtt.  Az érvényes regisztrációs szabályzat angol nyelven készült, az EUROTOX útmutatója alapján.



1. Register of Hungarian Toxicologists

The Society of Hungarian Toxicologists holds a Register which is a listing of individuals accepted upon application based on the model provided by the Federation of European Toxicologists and European Societies of Toxicology (EUROTOX) “EUROPEAN REGISTERED TOXICOLOGIST (ERT) Guidelines for Registration 2016”. A European Registered Toxicologist (ERT) is a toxicologist who meets specific requirements in education as well as professional skills and has experience in toxicology and applied toxicology. The register is owned by the Society of Hungarian Toxicologists.

Inclusion in the Hungarian Register of Toxicologists applies for a period of 5 years after which re registration is required.

2. Registration requirements

Inclusion in the Hungarian Register of Toxicologists aims to recognize high standards of knowledge, skills, experience, and professional standing of scientists engaged in the field of Toxicology.
The registration requirements are:

  • a. Academic degree (MD, PhD, MSc or BSc) in toxicology, pharmacy, Biomedical Sciences, veterinary science, agriculture, chemistry or medicine. Other academic degrees can only be accepted if the educational level is recognized by the Committee.
  • b. Basic knowledge of the major areas of toxicology. There are two routes to meet this requirement:
    • i. postgraduate courses in the field of toxicology (e.g., Academic Teaching Excellence (ATE), Human Experimental Toxicology postgraduate course (HETE), Toxicology Program or other equivalent courses)
    • ii. professional experience by on the job training documented by examination, peer-reviewed publications, evidence of confidential reports, assessments, teaching activities, knowledge-based decision-making or advisory activities, or other achievements, subject to expert opinions.
  • c. At least 5 years of relevant toxicological experience
  • d. Documentation of the 5 year practical experience, evidenced by published works, confidential reports or assessments
  • e. Current professional engagement in the practice of toxicology.

3. Registration and re-registration process

Application is submitted electronically to the Secretary of the “Hungarian Committee of Toxicologists (in the following entitled as “Committee”). For registration, the following documents shall be included:

  • a. CV containing all requirements listed above
  • b. Certificates/documents of academic education
  • c. List of publications, opinions and assessments
  • d. List of professional experience as study director, educator, regulator, or consultant, or equivalent in terms of job specifications.
  • e. Employment references confirming years of work experience in toxicological activity
  • f. Names and contact details of two referees with ERT registration. These experts should evaluate the candidate’s knowledge, skills, experience, and professional standing. They should know the applicant personally as well as his/her background and professional performance. Experts may be proposed by the applicant and should be appointed by the national registration committee.

Registration is valid for a period of 5 years.

For extending registration for another 5 years (re-registration), the candidate must submit documents containing relevant information about the past 5-year period of registration.

In order to qualify for re-registration, candidates shall submit to the Hungarian Committee:

  • a. CV containing relevant information such as details of CPD which should amount to no less than 5 working days per year, of professional positions and activities during the past 5-year period of registration.
  • b. List of professional experience as study director, educator, regulator or consultant, or equivalent in terms of job specifications.
  • c. Documentation of continued professional activities, activities in expert committees and education in toxicology (mentoring and list of publications, opinions and assessments, attendance to educational courses and meetings and similar).

The Committee will keep in strict confidentiality all information provided by an applicant.

4. Termination of registration

Removal from the register will occur in the following cases:

  • a. If the withdrawal process is initiated by the ERT
  • b. If the re-registration request is not submitted by the ERT before the expiration of previous registration
  • c. In the case of rejection of the re-registration request
  • d. If the ethical guidelines of Society of Hungarian Toxicologists and EUROTOX are not fulfilled
  • e. In the case of death

5. Registration fee

The registration and re-registration fees will be defined by the Committee. The fee of the first registration is 10.000,00 Ft, the re-registration fee is 50% of the first registration fee.

6. Registration Committee

6.1. The Committee

    • a. evaluates candidates for inclusion in the Register and for re-registration.
    • b. excludes or removes a member from the Register

6.2. Composition of the Committee

The EUROTOX Registration Subcommittee assists and advises national registering committees to ensure harmonization of standards for registration and re-registration. For this purpose it provides a template describing in detail how the criteria outlined in Guidelines for Registration 2016 should be implemented.
EUROTOX can provide facilitators who can assist in setting up of national schemes or support the functioning of existing schemes. Appointment of these facilitators is co-ordinated by the Registration Subcommittee.

    • a. The Committee is composed of five members appointed by the board of the Society of Hungarian Toxicologists
    • b. The members of the Committee elect the Chairperson who holds office for three years and can be re-elected once.

Committee members may remain in office for no more than six years (members of the Committee can be re-elected once, after three years).
In the case of resignation of a member of the Committee, the Committee is obliged to choose provisionally another member who is to be approved at the next meeting of the board of the Society of Hungarian Toxicologists.

6.3. Committee Meetings

    • a. The Committee should meet at least once a year.
    • b. The meetings can be virtual (eg., tele-meetings) or physical. At least three members must attend.
    • c. The decision is made by simple majority. In case of equality the Chairperson has a casting vote.
    • d. Observers, without the right to vote, may be invited to meetings at the discretion of the Chairperson.
    • e. The Chairperson presides over the Committee. In his absence, the Members present will have to appoint one of them as Chairperson of the meeting.
    • f. The Secretary, after having consulted with the Chairperson or at the request of three members of the Committee, will organize – by letter or e-mail – a meeting of the Committee with a minimum of two weeks before (specifying the purpose of each meeting), except in the case of emergency.

6.4. Committee activities

The Committee is charged to:

    • a. set registration fees by consulting the Society of Hungarian Toxicologists.
    • b. keep the Register and the financial statements of the Register of Hungarian Toxicologists.
    • c. include, exclude and remove members from the Register.
    • d. inform EUROTOX on Registration and Re-registration activities
    • e. contribute to better recognition of the European Registered Toxicologists in Hungary.

Within the Guidance, the Chairperson is responsible for establishing detailed provisions on the procedures of the Committee in operational issues, agreed by the Committee members.

6.5. Duties of the Committee secretary

The secretary must:

    • a. keep the Register in accordance with the national data protection rules.
    • b. advise candidates on the application and the requirements for registration and re-registration.
    • c. inform candidates about Committee decisions;
    • d. prepare the national certificates
    • e. inform the EUROTOX Secretariat on the registration and re-registration of candidates.
    • f. prepare the annual report (adopted by the Chairperson) containing the number and the names of those having applied and those been accepted in the Register; the names of those who have been removed from the Register; analysis of the current financial status of the Register.

7. Appeals against Committee Decisions

If a candidate disagrees with the Committee’s decision, the request must be reconsidered by the Committee. In the case that the candidate does not agree with that decision, it will be possible to request an independent opinion by the Appeals Committee.
The chair and two members of the Appeals Committee shall be adopted by the National Society Annual Meeting and must be registered toxicologists (not members of the Committee or of the Executive Committee of the Society). They are considered to make objective and top-level professional decisions. They inform both the Committee and the candidate about their decision and the reasons behind it. The decision of the Appeals Committee will be binding on all parties.

8. Documentation of registration

Based on the approval of the Committee, the Secretary will include the new members in the National Register and will issue a certificate of Registered Toxicologists of the National Society (both in official and English language) about the membership which is valid for a 5-year period. EUROTOX will certify these individuals as European Registered Toxicologists (ERTs) without further evaluation.

ERT Members should inform the Hungarian Register immediately if they are no longer working in the field of toxicology.

9. Approval, modification and supervision of the Registration regulations

These Guidelines should be regularly approved, modified and supervised by EUROTOX Registration SubCommittee.

For the complete information the text of the Guidelines for registration, together with annexes, can be found on EUROTOX website under the heading ERT:

The EUROPEAN REGISTERED TOXICOLOGIST (ERT) Guidelines for Registration 2016

Annex 1: Learning outcomes, expected skills and competences for core and specialised topics

Annex 2: EUROTOX recognition of courses providing comprehensive training in toxicology for the purpose of registration (ERT courses) and continuing professional development

Annex 3: ERT GUIDELINES Glossary (2017)

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