A TOX’2024 Konferencia körlevele
TOX’2024 Konferencia: Tájékoztató kiállítók és hirdetők számára
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Invitation for
10th Joint Webinar of the ESTP/SFTP/BSTP/ ECVP/ESVP
on Wednesday March 6th, 2024 at 4pm CET
„From Toxicologic Pathologist to Project Toxicologist: Navigating Career Transitions”
Invited speakers are: Kuno Wuersch (Novartis Pharma AG), Bhanu Singh (Gilead Sciences, Inc.), Tim LaBranche (Blueprint Medicines Corporation), Enrico Vezzali (Idorsia Pharmaceuticals Ltd.)
Past joint webinars were well attended with over 200 participants. These webinars are free of charge and will qualify for CE certification. The CE registration for participants needs to be requested via the feedback form.
Please find here the invitation including the program and the link to registration.
We look forward to your participation.
Amy Narewski
For the webinar committee
Hans Harleman (ESTP)
Flavia Pasello dos Santos (SFTP)
Francesca Franzoso (ECVP)
Jerome Abadie (ESVP)
Matthias Rinke (ESTP/IATP)
Ricardo de Miguel (ECVP)
Rita Deuchande (BSTP)
Serge Zander (ESTP/NVT)
TOX’2023 Tudományos Konferencia
Sárvár, 2023. október 11-13.
The ESTP has the privilege to invite you to the 20th European Congress of Toxicologic Pathology on “Emerging Therapeutic Modalities: Gene and Cell Therapies, New Generation Biologics and Targeted Protein Degraders”
which will be held in Basel, Switzerland, and will take place from 26th – 29th of September 2023.
On behalf of the ESTP SOC it is our pleasure to announce that the online registration is open. Please go to the congress webpage where you also see information and the link to the abstract submission form. Very soon we will announce the final program and in the meantime, we have provided the preliminary scientific program for you.
congress webpage:
abstract submission form:
preliminary scientific program:
The early bird registration is open until June 20th. Please note that the deadline for abstract submission, posters and case presentations is May 15th.
We are looking forward to meeting you in Basel!
On behalf of the Scientific and Local Organizing Committee,
Kuno Würsch, Enrico Vezzali and Josep Monne
The topic will be “Pathology-relevant Mass Spectrometry Imaging: label-free detection of biochemical molecules” and the webinar is free of charge.
Dear Members,
it is a great pleasure for us to invite you to the Classic Examples in Toxicologic Pathology XXX, which will be held as a face-to-face meeting at the University of Veterinary Medicine in Hannover, Germany, on March 17 and 18, 2023.
You will find the announcement and registration link on the ESTP homepage
where we have also compiled useful technical information.
The registration fee is EUR 110 for ESTP members, EUR 150 for non-members and EUR 50 for students. This includes beverages and dinner on Friday (30th anniversary). The registration period will end on February 28, 2023.
Please register via the ESTP homepage as soon as possible.
We are looking forward to meeting you in Hannover in March!
With kind regards,
The organizers
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Baumgärtner
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Deschl
Dr. Florian Colbatzky
Dr. Thomas Nolte
It is our pleasure to announce the new 3-day training course on
Molecular and Digital Pathology
organized by the SFPT and ONIRIS.
4-6 April 2023
Oniris – Nantes (France)
Please find the flyer below:
Dear Colleagues,
please, find attached information on the 8th ESTP International Expert Workshop “IT/QA requirements for Digital Toxicologic Pathology” which will be held virtually on 16th and 17th November 2020.
The registration and payment details with the workshop flyer and program are available to download below.
Kind regards,
Amy Narewski
Administrative Assistant to the ESTP Executive Committee
- ESTP IT DP workshop_flyer
- Invitation ESTP Digital Pathology Workshop
- Program 2020 ESTP F2F Digital Pathology 8th WS
Az Állatorvostudományi Egyetem és a Magyar Toxikológusok Társasága
Experimentális toxikológus
szakirányú továbbképzést hirdet.
A képzés kezdete: 2020. május 11. hétfő
Jelentkezési határidő: 2020. január 31.
A továbbképzés felhívása IDE kattintva érhető el.
További információ és jelentkezés:
TOX’2019 Tudományos Konferencia
Szervező: Magyar Toxikológusok Társasága, Társszervező: Magyar Kísérletes és Klinikai Farmakológiai Társaság
Hunguest Hotel Forrás, Szeged , 2019. október 9-11.
TOX’2018 Tudományos Konferencia
Szervező: Magyar Toxikológusok Társasága
Hunguest Hotel Palota, Lillafüred, 2018. október 17-19.
6th ESTP International Expert Workshop
Berlin, Germany, May 16 – 17, 2018
link: https://www.eurotoxpath.org/meetings/index.php?id=workshop6
letölthető meghívó: Invitation Audience 6th ESTP International Expert Workshop
XXVII. Keszthelyi Növényvédelmi Fórum 2018.
Rendezvény időpontja: 2018. január 17-19.
Rendezvény helyszíne: Pannon Egyetem Georgikon Kar, „D” épület, 8360 Keszthely, Festetics u. 7.
link: https://novenyvedelmi-intezet.georgikon.hu/xxviii-keszthelyi-novenyvedelmi-forum-2018/
17th Alps-Adria Scientific Workshop
The organizers are pleased to announce the 17th Alps-Adria Scientific Workshop, which will be held from 9th to 14th April 2018, in Hnanice, Czeczia.
link: http://www.alpsadria.hu/
Global Summit on Metabolomics
July 16-17, 2018
Miami, USA
link: http://scientificfederation.com/metabolomics-2018/